PIER CLEANUP 2022: Everything You Need to Know!

Coming to your favorite pier this summer… It's the Deerfield Beach Pier Cleanup!

Before the infamous panini stopped us from large gatherings, the Annual Pier Cleanup organized by Dixie Divers ran for over 15 years!

This huge event developed over the years, even taking the spotlight to attempt not 1, not 2…

But 3 Guinness Book of World Record attempts!

Keep reading to learn more about the Pier Cleanup over the years and important information about this year’s event.

Guinness Book of World Record Attempts

In 2017, the first World Record attempt for the “longest underwater human chain”, was set into motion.

The record dive garnered 240 divers, beating the previous record in Thailand of 182 divers.

However, the record was quickly superseded by another group from Australia with 353 divers.

After hearing the news, the next attempt to beat 353 divers and bring home the record for the longest underwater human chain began.

In June 2018, 386 divers linked arms beneath the Deerfield Beach International Pier and broke the Guinness Book of World Records for Longest Underwater Human Chain.

Deerfield Beach held the record for a short time before getting bumped by another group.

The current World Record holder for Longest Underwater Human Chain, belongs to a group from Indonesia, the Indonesia Women's Organization (WASI), with 578 divers, breaking the record on August 1, 2019.

When 2019 rolled around, we knew that an entirely new attempt would need to be made.

This one would have to be bigger…

With a more important mission…

For a greater purpose.

The Guinness World Record for Largest Underwater Cleanup was born.

World Record Holders

On June 15, 2019…

633 divers participated in the world’s largest underwater cleanup… ever!

The best part?

DXDIVERS and the City of Deerfield Beach still hold this title.

After a two-year hiatus, the Annual Pier Cleanup is officially back!

We’re really excited to take everyone on this beautiful dive while we clean up fishing debris and leave a better environment than we found.

What to Expect This Year

This year’s Annual Pier Cleanup will take place on Saturday, June 18 between 8AM - 12PM.

We advise that you carpool, since parking is limited and you will be waiting in a long car line.

First, make sure you’ve registered for the Pier Cleanup here.

It’s a $15 registration fee which will get you your DXD swag bag, equipped with everything you need to collect debris:

Participant shirt, mesh collection bag, shears, and a raffle ticket!

We will be holding a raffle drawing at 12PM in front of the pier on the day of the event.

Get ready for the event, make sure you have:

  • Your gear, serviced and ready
  • You’ve gone (scuba) diving in the past 6 months
  • You’re ready to clean up some debris… carefully!

Do remember that we are in a marine environment where hundreds of species live…

When collecting debris, you will find fishing line wrapped around pillars, coral, and reef.

Carefully disentangle the fishing line and other debris, while making sure to prevent as much damage as possible while doing so.

Request the help of a fellow diver for bigger entanglements.

Once you collect the debris, there will be buckets underwater for you to put the debris into, and volunteers on the pier will hoist up the bucket to further sort the debris.

Parking, Gear, And Other Logistics

As mentioned above, on the day of the event you will be waiting in a long car line.

This car line can extend from the entrance of the pier all the way to the Hillsboro bridge - please be patient!

Once you get to the front entrance of the pier, you will see some tents from DXDIVERS and the Women’s Club of Deerfield Beach.

This is where you will get your parking pass, drop off your gear, and after you park, you will register there.

Quickly, unload all your gear - we will have staff available to watch over your gear, so please don’t worry!

Leave your car running, and hustle to take that gear out and keep it moving.

A police officer will direct you on where to park.

Please park and walk over to the entrance of the pier to fill out your waiver.

Every participant, no matter if you’re diving, snorkeling, freediving, or helping up on the pier, needs to fill out a waiver.

Next, make sure you’re staying hydrated before your dive.

Get your gear assembled, get ready, and as soon as 8AM hits, walk down the beach into the ocean!

Don’t forget your debris collection bag and shears!

Gloves are highly recommended, but not required.

Bring your Zookeepers for extra debris collection.

This is an all hands on deck event, with volunteers above and below the surface for the collective effort of ocean conservation!

We can’t wait to see you all there!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Will the DXDIVERS store be open?

A: Yes, the store will be open on the day of the event, 7:00AM - 6:30PM

Q: Scuba rentals? When to get it, how to reserve, etc.

A: Pick up any rentals the day before the event. We do not reserve gear or tanks, it’s on a first come first serve basis.

Q: Where do I park on the day of the event?

A: Parking is limited! Please carpool if you can. There will be police officers to direct and control the flow of traffic. We have areas of designated parking they will direct you to.

Q: Where do I drop off my gear for the Pier Cleanup?

A: IMPORTANT! Drop off your gear at the front of the pier. You will be waiting in a long car line to drop off the gear, so please be patient. Drop off the gear by quickly unloading and grabbing your parking permit. We will have staff available to watch over your gear while you park. DO NOT REGISTER UNTIL AFTER PARKING - you will hold up traffic and they will remove your car if needed.

Q: Do I need a buddy?

A: If you don’t have a buddy, don’t worry! We have plenty of friendly divers that would love to have you join their group!

Find more FAQs here

Let us know how excited you are in the comments below!




Hi Roger! Thanks for checking out our blog post. We are not offering a shuttle from the shop to the pier, but if you need help finding a group to carpool with we can facilitate that if you call us at the shop 954-420-0009. That is a great idea to keep in mind for next year’s event, so we will keep it in mind! Thanks!

roger tillma

roger tillma

How abot a shuttle from the shop to the pier?

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